Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let the Blogging Begin

Here I sit in the Lindquist Center ITC, typing, typing, typing. I think I need to get new pants. Before I can get new pants, though, I really need to make some money! Start thinking outside the box. How much money do those guys get for collecting cans everyday? I mean everyday! That's got to be upwards of four bucks a day--smoking habit no longer a nuisance! This coughing, however, is more than a nuisance. I've got to get rid of it.


fafer said...

4 dollars a day - that's some sweet coin!

nate said...

i didn´t know you started this! did you ever get new pants? i want more gingermingerville!

Alicia said...

way to pull the ol' start-a-blog-and-never-update-it.
more, please! p.s. check out my foodblog.